Sunday, March 16, 2014

First Ride of the Season

  Comfort Counts When Riding in Cool Temperatures

Marty on Bike Berea Ohio
Marty & "The Bike" - Berea Falls,  Berea, Ohio

Cleveland Metroparks - Millstream Run to Planet Park in Rocky River Reservation 

Near Cleveland, Ohio

Temperature 42° F - 30 Mile Ride

  Our first ride of the season! I can't under why the trails were so empty... so what if it was only 42° F with strong westerly headwind. After this winter, who cares it was great to get out!

  We had planned on only riding 20 miles, but both of us felt good, "no aches or pains" so we kept on peddling. We ran into a few people at our "normal" spot; the fellow who listens to classical music and "bee bops" along, regardless of the weather, Hazel's friend Enzel and her husband. No one ever recognizes me unless I am running, which is understandable, with all the gear we were wearing.

 Speaking of gear, having proper equipment certainly helps make a ride more enjoyable. A few years back we said, "we would never be caught dead in spandex pants", that was before ridding 50 miles in normal shorts. Ouch! Forget what anyone thinks, comfort counts when you are on the trail!

   You may have noticed our "booties", funny looking no doubt, however, they do serve a purpose. Booties are wind proof - water proof, gore-tex treated polyester, that wrap around your shoes, to protect your feet from the elements. Velcro secures them closed. For the record, water proof does not mean you can "puddle hop", rather it implies when you are on the bike riding your feet stay warm and dry.

How Many Layers?


Me and my bike, very happy to be on the trail
Beth & Minnie Mae


   We learned the hard way the importance of proper footwear, a few years back. On the last day of a three day trip we had planned to cycle a quick 36 mile ride from Rockwood, PA to Confluence, PA and back. Unfortunately, we didn't consider the impact heavy dew and a temperature of 37° F would have on the coziness of our feet. The warmth of the sun rising that morning wasn't able to penetrate the dense thick miles of conifers that line the mountain trails. 

    Marty and I, hung in there for 6 miles before crying "uncle", our thick wool socks were no match for the damp moisture which wicked through our shoes and socks. Booties were purchased shortly after arriving home. Once again comfort counts!

   Keep in mind, we didn't purchase our gear all at once rather collected it over a period of several years. Christmas, Mother's Day and birthday gifts always have a biking theme.

It is Important to Know What Facilities are Available on the Trail

When choosing a trail check for outhouses water and car parking
Out-houses so important on a trail!

  It may sounds silly but it is smart to know what kind of facilities a trail has before planning a trip. Outhouse location, parking (car) and water are a few things you might want to consider before heading out. We are very fortunate in Cleveland, our trails are plowed after it snows and the larger out house like this one are cleaned everyday!!! What you need to watch for are the trials that have port-a-potties not permanent outhouse. They usually aren't set up until after Memorial Day. 

ponds after the snow melted Rocky River Reservation
Ponds are everywhere after the snow melted

Marty stopping to rest at The Planet Park
Marty at Planet park
  We turned around at Puritas Road, at mile 15, rested and enjoyed a peanut butter and jelly snack at the Planet Park. You can see the signs in the background that represent Venus and Earth. Pluto has been missing for a few years now.

By Beth & Marty

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